Arnold snyder’s poker tournament formula

poker tournaments

A Rich Money-Making Opportunity for Smart Players

The boom in live and online poker tournaments has created an incredibly rich money-making opportunity for smart players who know how to take advantage of it, even players who are trying to build a bankroll.

Many Las Vegas casinos that didn’t have poker rooms a few years (or even months) ago are now holding daily no-limit hold’em tournaments where only a handful of players know what they’re doing. With over 400 regularly-scheduled poker tournaments a week in Las Vegas, it isn’t difficult to play a couple of high-value events a day, if you choose.

And the online poker tournament choices are even richer. Not only are the fields even weaker, but the online poker tournament structures make for a bigger edge for players who know how to extract their value. And the sheer number of good online poker tournaments at all hours of the day and night means you can stay in action—making money—as long as you want..

New Poker Tournament Strategy That Adjusts For Each Tournament

All of you have watched the major poker tournament events on TV, but unless you have a truly enormous bankroll behind you, and truly top-level poker skill, these are not the best money-making opportunities for you. For the overwhelming majority of players who enter them, buying in to one of these major events is like buying a lottery ticket. If you just want to do it and you have the spare cash, go ahead, but no smart gambler buys a lottery ticket to build a bankroll.

No, the rich opportunities I am talking about are mainly fast multi-table tournaments, designed to last less than a day, with inexpensive buy-ins from as small as $3 up to about $1000. These tournaments are completely different animals from the events on TV, and require very different strategies for success than what you have read in the poker tournament books up to now.

There is no one-size-fits-all poker tournament strategy that will make you a winner. You can’t just play your cards the same way, according to the same position and stack size standards, in every tournament. You won’t win consistently, with a high edge, unless you adjust your strategy for the structure of the particular poker tournament in which you are playing. Book, The Poker Tournament Formula, tells you exactly how to analyze poker tournament structures and adapt your play for each tournament, and this site is an accompaniment to that book.

Not every fast tournament has value for skilled players, but there are now so many that do that you can certainly make a living and build a bankroll playing them if you learn to make wise choices about which ones to play, and learn to adjust your strategy correctly for their specific structures.

The formula for poker tournaments

A Big Edge with Relatively Mild Flux

If you’re coming to poker tournaments from blackjack, you will find that smart fast-tournament play gets you an enormous advantage compared to card counting, with fluctuations that are relatively mild. And, in the fast poker tournaments, where the best approach is much more math-based, winning strategies are pretty much as direct as the strategies for successful card counting.

Our listing no-limit hold’em tournament schedules and ratings is comprehensive and accurate. Our online poker tournament schedules and ratings provide a big selection of the best daily and weekly tournaments from the popular online poker sites. But if there is any online tournament you would like to see analyzed that is not in our charts, just send me the details.

And that goes for any other no-limit hold’em tournaments located anywhere in the world. If your local poker room is holding no-limit Texas hold’em tournaments, and you want to know the patience factor and skill level, just email me the details. I need the complete blind structure, starting chips, and rebuy structure, if any.

Book and this site are a gift to the up-and-coming pro gamblers of tomorrow who are trying to build a bankroll today. These fast, small buy-in tournaments won’t make you rich overnight, but they can get you the bankroll and experience you need to take on bigger gambling ventures.